APIを構築する場合、Eloquentモデルと実際にアプリケーションのユーザーへ返すJSONレスポンスの間に変換レイヤーが必要になるでしょう。たとえば、ユーザーのサブセットに対して特定の属性を表示し、他のユーザーには表示したくない場合や、モデルのJSON表現に常に特定のリレーションを含めたい場合などです。Eloquentのリソースクラスを使用すると、モデルとモデルコレクションを表現力豊かかつ簡単にJSONに変換できます。When building an API, you may need a transformation layer that sits between your Eloquent models and the JSON responses that are actually returned to your application's users. For example, you may wish to display certain attributes for a subset of users and not others, or you may wish to always include certain relationships in the JSON representation of your models. Eloquent's resource classes allow you to expressively and easily transform your models and model collections into JSON.
メソッドを使用してEloquentモデルまたはコレクションをJSONへいつでも変換できます。ただし、Eloquentリソースは、モデルのJSONシリアル化とそれらの関係をよりきめ細かく堅牢に制御します。Of course, you may always convert Eloquent models or collections to JSON using their toJson
methods; however, Eloquent resources provide more granular and robust control over the JSON serialization of your models and their relationships.
リソースの生成Generating Resources
クラスを拡張します。To generate a resource class, you may use the make:resource
Artisan command. By default, resources will be placed in the app/Http/Resources
directory of your application. Resources extend the Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource
php artisan make:resource UserResource
リソースコレクションResource Collections
個々のモデルを変換するリソースを生成することに加えて、モデルのコレクションの変換を担当するリソースを生成することもできます。これにより、JSONレスポンスへ指定するリソースのコレクション全体へ関連するリンクやその他のメタ情報を含められます。In addition to generating resources that transform individual models, you may generate resources that are responsible for transforming collections of models. This allows your JSON responses to include links and other meta information that is relevant to an entire collection of a given resource.
クラスを拡張します。To create a resource collection, you should use the --collection
flag when creating the resource. Or, including the word Collection
in the resource name will indicate to Laravel that it should create a collection resource. Collection resources extend the Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection
php artisan make:resource User --collection
php artisan make:resource UserCollection
概論Concept Overview
Note: これは、リソースとリソースコレクションの概要です。リソースによって提供されるカスタマイズとパワーをより深く理解するために、このドキュメントの他のセクションも読むことを強く推奨します。
This is a high-level overview of resources and resource collections. You are highly encouraged to read the other sections of this documentation to gain a deeper understanding of the customization and power offered to you by resources.
リソースクラスです。Before diving into all of the options available to you when writing resources, let's first take a high-level look at how resources are used within Laravel. A resource class represents a single model that needs to be transformed into a JSON structure. For example, here is a simple UserResource
resource class:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
class UserResource extends JsonResource
* リソースを配列に変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'created_at' => $this->created_at,
'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
メソッドをすべてのリソースクラスで定義します。Every resource class defines a toArray
method which returns the array of attributes that should be converted to JSON when the resource is returned as a response from a route or controller method.
変数からモデルのプロパティに直接アクセスできることに注意してください。これは、リソースクラスがプロパティとメソッドのアクセスを基になるモデルに自動的にプロキシしており、アクセスを便利にしているためです。リソースを定義したら、ルートまたはコントローラから返せます。リソースは、コンストラクターを介して基になるモデルインスタンスを受け入れます。Note that we can access model properties directly from the $this
variable. This is because a resource class will automatically proxy property and method access down to the underlying model for convenient access. Once the resource is defined, it may be returned from a route or controller. The resource accepts the underlying model instance via its constructor:
use App\Http\Resources\UserResource;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/user/{id}', function (string $id) {
return new UserResource(User::findOrFail($id));
リソースコレクションResource Collections
メソッドを使用する必要があります。If you are returning a collection of resources or a paginated response, you should use the collection
method provided by your resource class when creating the resource instance in your route or controller:
use App\Http\Resources\UserResource;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/users', function () {
return UserResource::collection(User::all());
これでは、コレクションとともに返す必要のあるカスタムメタデータがある場合でもそれらを追加できないことに注意してください。リソースコレクションのレスポンスをカスタマイズする場合は、コレクションを表す専用のリソースを生成してください。Note that this does not allow any addition of custom meta data that may need to be returned with your collection. If you would like to customize the resource collection response, you may create a dedicated resource to represent the collection:
php artisan make:resource UserCollection
リソースコレクションクラスを生成したら、レスポンスに含める必要のあるメタデータを簡単に定義できます。Once the resource collection class has been generated, you may easily define any meta data that should be included with the response:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection;
class UserCollection extends ResourceCollection
* リソースコレクションを配列に変換
* @return array<int|string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'data' => $this->collection,
'links' => [
'self' => 'link-value',
リソースコレクションを定義したら、ルートまたはコントローラから返せます。After defining your resource collection, it may be returned from a route or controller:
use App\Http\Resources\UserCollection;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/users', function () {
return new UserCollection(User::all());
コレクションキーの保存Preserving Collection Keys
プロパティをリソースクラスに追加できます。When returning a resource collection from a route, Laravel resets the collection's keys so that they are in numerical order. However, you may add a preserveKeys
property to your resource class indicating whether a collection's original keys should be preserved:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
class UserResource extends JsonResource
* リソースのコレクションキーを保持するか指示
* @var bool
public $preserveKeys = true;
に設定されている場合、コレクションをルートまたはコントローラから返すとき、コレクションのキーが保持されます。When the preserveKeys
property is set to true
, collection keys will be preserved when the collection is returned from a route or controller:
use App\Http\Resources\UserResource;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/users', function () {
return UserResource::collection(User::all()->keyBy->id);
基礎となるリソースクラスのカスタマイズCustomizing the Underlying Resource Class
というサフィックスが付いていてもいなくてもかまいません。Typically, the $this->collection
property of a resource collection is automatically populated with the result of mapping each item of the collection to its singular resource class. The singular resource class is assumed to be the collection's class name without the trailing Collection
portion of the class name. In addition, depending on your personal preference, the singular resource class may or may not be suffixed with Resource
プロパティをオーバーライドします。For example, UserCollection
will attempt to map the given user instances into the UserResource
resource. To customize this behavior, you may override the $collects
property of your resource collection:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection;
class UserCollection extends ResourceCollection
* このリソースが収集するリソース
* @var string
public $collects = Member::class;
リソースの記述Writing Resources
If you have not read the concept overview[#concept-overview], you are highly encouraged to do so before proceeding with this documentation.
メソッドが含まれています。Resources only need to transform a given model into an array. So, each resource contains a toArray
method which translates your model's attributes into an API friendly array that can be returned from your application's routes or controllers:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
class UserResource extends JsonResource
* リソースを配列に変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'created_at' => $this->created_at,
'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
リソースを定義したら、ルートまたはコントローラから直接返せます。Once a resource has been defined, it may be returned directly from a route or controller:
use App\Http\Resources\UserResource;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/user/{id}', function (string $id) {
return new UserResource(User::findOrFail($id));
メソッドを使用して、ユーザーのブログ投稿をリソースレスポンスへ追加しています。If you would like to include related resources in your response, you may add them to the array returned by your resource's toArray
method. In this example, we will use the PostResource
resource's collection
method to add the user's blog posts to the resource response:
use App\Http\Resources\PostResource;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
* リソースを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'posts' => PostResource::collection($this->posts),
'created_at' => $this->created_at,
'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
Note: リレーションがすでにロードされている場合にのみリレーションを含めたい場合は、
If you would like to include relationships only when they have already been loaded, check out the documentation on conditional relationships[#conditional-relationships].
リソースコレクションResource Collections
メソッドを提供しているため、モデルごとにリソースコレクションクラスを定義する必要はありません。While resources transform a single model into an array, resource collections transform a collection of models into an array. However, it is not absolutely necessary to define a resource collection class for each one of your models since all resources provide a collection
method to generate an "ad-hoc" resource collection on the fly:
use App\Http\Resources\UserResource;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/users', function () {
return UserResource::collection(User::all());
ただし、コレクションとともに返されるメタデータをカスタマイズする必要がある場合は、独自のリソースコレクションを定義する必要があります。However, if you need to customize the meta data returned with the collection, it is necessary to define your own resource collection:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection;
class UserCollection extends ResourceCollection
* リソースコレクションを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'data' => $this->collection,
'links' => [
'self' => 'link-value',
単一のリソースと同様に、リソースコレクションはルートまたはコントローラから直接返されるでしょう。Like singular resources, resource collections may be returned directly from routes or controllers:
use App\Http\Resources\UserCollection;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/users', function () {
return new UserCollection(User::all());
データのラップData Wrapping
キーでラップされます。したがって、たとえば、一般的なリソースコレクションのレスポンスは次のようになります。By default, your outermost resource is wrapped in a data
key when the resource response is converted to JSON. So, for example, a typical resource collection response looks like the following:
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Eladio Schroeder Sr.",
"email": "therese28@example.com"
"id": 2,
"name": "Liliana Mayert",
"email": "evandervort@example.com"
か、別のサービスプロバイダから呼び出す必要があります。If you would like to disable the wrapping of the outermost resource, you should invoke the withoutWrapping
method on the base Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource
class. Typically, you should call this method from your AppServiceProvider
or another service provider[/docs/{{version}}/providers] that is loaded on every request to your application:
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* 全アプリケーションサービスの登録
public function register(): void
// ...
* 全アプリケーションサービスの初期起動処理
public function boot(): void
method only affects the outermost response and will not removedata
keys that you manually add to your own resource collections.
ネストされたリソースのラップWrapping Nested Resources
キー内でコレクションを返す必要があります。You have total freedom to determine how your resource's relationships are wrapped. If you would like all resource collections to be wrapped in a data
key, regardless of their nesting, you should define a resource collection class for each resource and return the collection within a data
キーにラップされてしまうのか疑問に思われるかもしれません。心配ありません。Laravelが誤ってリソースを二重にラップすることは決してないので、変換するリソースコレクションのネストレベルについて心配する必要はありません。You may be wondering if this will cause your outermost resource to be wrapped in two data
keys. Don't worry, Laravel will never let your resources be accidentally double-wrapped, so you don't have to be concerned about the nesting level of the resource collection you are transforming:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection;
class CommentsCollection extends ResourceCollection
* リソースコレクションを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return ['data' => $this->collection];
データのラップとペジネーションData Wrapping and Pagination
キーが含まれているためです。When returning paginated collections via a resource response, Laravel will wrap your resource data in a data
key even if the withoutWrapping
method has been called. This is because paginated responses always contain meta
and links
keys with information about the paginator's state:
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Eladio Schroeder Sr.",
"email": "therese28@example.com"
"id": 2,
"name": "Liliana Mayert",
"email": "evandervort@example.com"
"first": "http://example.com/users?page=1",
"last": "http://example.com/users?page=1",
"prev": null,
"next": null
"current_page": 1,
"from": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"path": "http://example.com/users",
"per_page": 15,
"to": 10,
"total": 10
Laravel ペジネータインスタンスをリソースのcollection
メソッドまたはカスタムリソースコレクションに渡すことができます。You may pass a Laravel paginator instance to the collection
method of a resource or to a custom resource collection:
use App\Http\Resources\UserCollection;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/users', function () {
return new UserCollection(User::paginate());
キーが含まれます。Paginated responses always contain meta
and links
keys with information about the paginator's state:
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Eladio Schroeder Sr.",
"email": "therese28@example.com"
"id": 2,
"name": "Liliana Mayert",
"email": "evandervort@example.com"
"first": "http://example.com/users?page=1",
"last": "http://example.com/users?page=1",
"prev": null,
"next": null
"current_page": 1,
"from": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"path": "http://example.com/users",
"per_page": 15,
"to": 10,
"total": 10
ペジネーション情報のカスタマイズCustomizing the Pagination Information
キーを含む配列)を引数に受けます。If you would like to customize the information included in the links
or meta
keys of the pagination response, you may define a paginationInformation
method on the resource. This method will receive the $paginated
data and the array of $default
information, which is an array containing the links
and meta
* リソースのペジネーション情報をカスタマイズ
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param array $paginated
* @param array $default
* @return array
public function paginationInformation($request, $paginated, $default)
$default['links']['custom'] = 'https://example.com';
return $default;
条件付き属性Conditional Attributes
メソッドを使用して、リソースレスポンスに属性を条件付きで追加できます。Sometimes you may wish to only include an attribute in a resource response if a given condition is met. For example, you may wish to only include a value if the current user is an "administrator". Laravel provides a variety of helper methods to assist you in this situation. The when
method may be used to conditionally add an attribute to a resource response:
* リソースを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'secret' => $this->when($request->user()->isAdmin(), 'secret-value'),
'created_at' => $this->created_at,
'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
メソッドを使用すると、配列を作成するときに条件文に頼ることなく、リソースを表現的に定義できます。In this example, the secret
key will only be returned in the final resource response if the authenticated user's isAdmin
method returns true
. If the method returns false
, the secret
key will be removed from the resource response before it is sent to the client. The when
method allows you to expressively define your resources without resorting to conditional statements when building the array.
の場合にのみ結果の値を計算できるようにします。The when
method also accepts a closure as its second argument, allowing you to calculate the resulting value only if the given condition is true
'secret' => $this->when($request->user()->isAdmin(), function () {
return 'secret-value';
メソッドは、元となるモデルへ実際にその属性が存在する場合に含めたい時に使えます。The whenHas
method may be used to include an attribute if it is actually present on the underlying model:
'name' => $this->whenHas('name'),
メソッドを使用すると、属性がNULLでない場合、その属性をリソースレスポンスへ含められます。Additionally, the whenNotNull
method may be used to include an attribute in the resource response if the attribute is not null:
'name' => $this->whenNotNull($this->name),
条件付き属性のマージMerging Conditional Attributes
メソッドを使用して属性をレスポンスへ含められます。Sometimes you may have several attributes that should only be included in the resource response based on the same condition. In this case, you may use the mergeWhen
method to include the attributes in the response only when the given condition is true
* リソースを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
$this->mergeWhen($request->user()->isAdmin(), [
'first-secret' => 'value',
'second-secret' => 'value',
'created_at' => $this->created_at,
'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
の場合、これらの属性は、クライアントに送信される前にリソースレスポンスから削除されます。Again, if the given condition is false
, these attributes will be removed from the resource response before it is sent to the client.
method should not be used within arrays that mix string and numeric keys. Furthermore, it should not be used within arrays with numeric keys that are not ordered sequentially.
条件付きリレーションConditional Relationships
属性を条件付きで読み込むことに加えて、リレーションが既にモデルに読み込まれているかどうかに基づいて、リソースレスポンスへリレーションを条件付きで含めることもできます。これにより、コントローラはモデルに読み込むべきリレーションを決定し、リソースは実際に読み込まれたリレーションのみを簡単に含められます。最終的には、リソース内で「N+1」クエリの問題を回避しやすくなります。In addition to conditionally loading attributes, you may conditionally include relationships on your resource responses based on if the relationship has already been loaded on the model. This allows your controller to decide which relationships should be loaded on the model and your resource can easily include them only when they have actually been loaded. Ultimately, this makes it easier to avoid "N+1" query problems within your resources.
メソッドを使用して、リレーションを条件付きでロードできます。リレーションを不必要にロードすることを避けるために、このメソッドはリレーション自体ではなくリレーション名を引数に取ります。The whenLoaded
method may be used to conditionally load a relationship. In order to avoid unnecessarily loading relationships, this method accepts the name of the relationship instead of the relationship itself:
use App\Http\Resources\PostResource;
* リソースを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'posts' => PostResource::collection($this->whenLoaded('posts')),
'created_at' => $this->created_at,
'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
キーはクライアントに送信される前に、リソースレスポンスから削除されます。In this example, if the relationship has not been loaded, the posts
key will be removed from the resource response before it is sent to the client.
条件付きリレーションカウントConditional Relationship Counts
条件付きでリレーションを含めることに加えて、リレーションのカウントがモデルにロード済みかどうかにもとづき、リソースレスポンスへリレーションの「カウント(count)」を条件付きで含められます。In addition to conditionally including relationships, you may conditionally include relationship "counts" on your resource responses based on if the relationship's count has been loaded on the model:
new UserResource($user->loadCount('posts'));
メソッドを使用すると、リレーションのカウントを条件付きでリソースレスポンスに含めることができます。このメソッドは、リレーションのカウントが存在しない場合に、不必要に属性をインクルードする事態を避けます。The whenCounted
method may be used to conditionally include a relationship's count in your resource response. This method avoids unnecessarily including the attribute if the relationships' count is not present:
* リソースを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'posts_count' => $this->whenCounted('posts'),
'created_at' => $this->created_at,
'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
キーはクライアントへ送信される前に、リソースレスポンスから削除されます。In this example, if the posts
relationship's count has not been loaded, the posts_count
key will be removed from the resource response before it is sent to the client.
メソッドを使い条件付きでロードできます。Other types of aggregates, such as avg
, sum
, min
, and max
may also be conditionally loaded using the whenAggregated
'words_avg' => $this->whenAggregated('posts', 'words', 'avg'),
'words_sum' => $this->whenAggregated('posts', 'words', 'sum'),
'words_min' => $this->whenAggregated('posts', 'words', 'min'),
'words_max' => $this->whenAggregated('posts', 'words', 'max'),
条件付きピボット情報Conditional Pivot Information
メソッドは、最初の引数にピボットテーブル名を取ります。2番目の引数は、モデルでピボット情報が利用可能な場合に返す値を返すクロージャである必要があります。In addition to conditionally including relationship information in your resource responses, you may conditionally include data from the intermediate tables of many-to-many relationships using the whenPivotLoaded
method. The whenPivotLoaded
method accepts the name of the pivot table as its first argument. The second argument should be a closure that returns the value to be returned if the pivot information is available on the model:
* リソースを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'expires_at' => $this->whenPivotLoaded('role_user', function () {
return $this->pivot->expires_at;
メソッドへの最初の引数に中間テーブルモデルのインスタンスを渡すことができます。If your relationship is using a custom intermediate table model[/docs/{{version}}/eloquent-relationships#defining-custom-intermediate-table-models], you may pass an instance of the intermediate table model as the first argument to the whenPivotLoaded
'expires_at' => $this->whenPivotLoaded(new Membership, function () {
return $this->pivot->expires_at;
メソッドを使用します。If your intermediate table is using an accessor other than pivot
, you may use the whenPivotLoadedAs
* リソースを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'expires_at' => $this->whenPivotLoadedAs('subscription', 'role_user', function () {
return $this->subscription->expires_at;
メタデータの追加Adding Meta Data
一部のJSON API基準では、リソースおよびリソースコレクションのレスポンスへメタデータを追加する必要があります。これには多くの場合、リソースまたは関連リソースへの「リンク(links
情報を含められます。Some JSON API standards require the addition of meta data to your resource and resource collections responses. This often includes things like links
to the resource or related resources, or meta data about the resource itself. If you need to return additional meta data about a resource, include it in your toArray
method. For example, you might include links
information when transforming a resource collection:
* リソースを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'data' => $this->collection,
'links' => [
'self' => 'link-value',
は、ページネーターによって提供されるリンクとマージされます。When returning additional meta data from your resources, you never have to worry about accidentally overriding the links
or meta
keys that are automatically added by Laravel when returning paginated responses. Any additional links
you define will be merged with the links provided by the paginator.
トップレベルのメタデータTop Level Meta Data
メソッドを追加します。このメソッドは、リソースが変換される最も外側のリソースである場合にのみ、リソースレスポンスに含めるメタデータの配列を返す必要があります。Sometimes you may wish to only include certain meta data with a resource response if the resource is the outermost resource being returned. Typically, this includes meta information about the response as a whole. To define this meta data, add a with
method to your resource class. This method should return an array of meta data to be included with the resource response only when the resource is the outermost resource being transformed:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection;
class UserCollection extends ResourceCollection
* リソースコレクションを配列へ変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return parent::toArray($request);
* リソース配列と一緒に返すべき追加データを取得
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function with(Request $request): array
return [
'meta' => [
'key' => 'value',
リソースを構築する際のメタデータの追加Adding Meta Data When Constructing Resources
メソッドは、リソースレスポンスへ追加する必要のあるデータの配列を引数に取ります。You may also add top-level data when constructing resource instances in your route or controller. The additional
method, which is available on all resources, accepts an array of data that should be added to the resource response:
return (new UserCollection(User::all()->load('roles')))
->additional(['meta' => [
'key' => 'value',
リソースレスポンスResource Responses
すでにお読みになったように、リソースはルートとコントローラから直接返します。As you have already read, resources may be returned directly from routes and controllers:
use App\Http\Resources\UserResource;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/user/{id}', function (string $id) {
return new UserResource(User::findOrFail($id));
インスタンスを返し、皆さんがレスポンスのヘッダを完全にコントロールできるようにします。However, sometimes you may need to customize the outgoing HTTP response before it is sent to the client. There are two ways to accomplish this. First, you may chain the response
method onto the resource. This method will return an Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
instance, giving you full control over the response's headers:
use App\Http\Resources\UserResource;
use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/user', function () {
return (new UserResource(User::find(1)))
->header('X-Value', 'True');
メソッドを定義することです。このメソッドは、リソースがレスポンスにおいて最も外側のリソースとして返されるときに呼び出されます。Alternatively, you may define a withResponse
method within the resource itself. This method will be called when the resource is returned as the outermost resource in a response:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
class UserResource extends JsonResource
* リソースを配列に変換
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->id,
* リソースの送信レスポンスをカスタマイズ
public function withResponse(Request $request, JsonResponse $response): void
$response->header('X-Value', 'True');